清 无款 万笏朝天图卷

绢本 设色
纵56.3厘米 横1706.7厘米
    《万笏朝天图》卷,生动细致地描绘了乾隆南巡至苏州,官员百姓接驾的场景,可让二百多年后的我们对这一盛事有了更为直观的印象。为了完整展示这幅瑰丽的长卷,天津博物馆在《耀世奇珍》 展厅中特置专柜将17米巨制完全展开,将其全貌第一次完整呈现于广大观众面前。
10,000 tablets of an Imperial Audience
Qing dynasty(1644-1911)
Hand scroll, ink and colour on silk
Height 56.3cm, Width 1706.7cm

This piece was painted by a member of the Fan Yao clique resident in Suzhou(Fan Yao was the descendant of Fan Zhongyan). It uses gold powder on midnight blue silk to depict a scene of Emperor Qianlong passing through Suzhou en route to Jiangnan. The landscape, architecture,local customs and city life are all incisively and vividly depicted in this monumental historical hand scroll.

The phrase “10,000 tablets of an imperial audience” was originally used to describe Suzhou’s Mount Tianping. The boulders and the trees on the peaks, which are shaped like brush stands, resemble the tablets carried by each of the amassed officials when granted an audience with the emperor. Therefore the title 10,000 Tablets of an Imperial Audience of this painting of the local people and officials of Suzhou welcoming the emperor has a double meaning, relating both to the figures and the landscape. Qianlong’s imperial authority is expressed through a parasol in the painting, which can also be seen as a symbol of his paramount authority. The clear and fluent composition, resplendent colour and glittering gold make this a rare masterpiece.
