宋 李唐 濠梁秋水图卷

绢本 设色
纵24厘米 横114.5厘米
 Autumn Waters at Haoliang
Li Tang(c. 1049-1130)
Song dynasty(960-1279)
Hand scroll, ink and colour on silk
Height 24cm, Width 114.5cm

This hand scroll depicts a scene by the confluence of the Hao and Pu rivers in Fengyang County, Anhui Province. In the painting, two worthies sit by the riverside discussing the Dao.. The subject of this painting is derived from the “autumn waters” section of the Zhuangzi. There is no inscription on the painting, and the attribution to Li Tang is based on a Ming dynasty colophon by Fan Yunlin at the end of the scroll. The movements of the brush are vigorous yet exact, the tip making neat cut-like strokes in a dark ink tone imbuing the piece with an animated mood. The figures are meticulously detailed with their garments succinctly rendered, in the archetypal style of Li Tang’s paintings.

Li Tang had the style name Xi Gu and was a native of Sancheng in Heyang (modern day Meng County in Henan Province). He made certain adaptations to the orthodox landscape methods of Jing Hao, Guan Tong and Fan Kuan. He used vigorous brushwork to apply dark-toned ink densely, evoking a sense of elegant majesty and initiating the new landscape style of the Southern Song. Along with Liu Songnian, Ma Yuan and Xia Gui, Li Tang created the institutional style of the Southern Song. Together they are known as the Four Masters of the Southern Song.

